Tunde Alao
Great news, this feature is now live in the app. When your bill is available, you can pay for it right away. If you have auto-pay on, you'll automatically be charged your share before the due date. Make sure you've updated the app to get access to this.
Jack Wall
Tunde Alao: Im on ver 1.1.2274 with no update available, but I don't see the pay now option. Where is it supposed to be?
Landon Vago-Hughes
in progress
I generally take care of my billing in advance and don’t wait until last day. So for me it’s just peace of mind to be able to do that
Tunde Alao
Merged in a post:
Derekalexus Hill
I just want to be able to hit "pay now" if I have the money early.
Landon Vago-Hughes
Hey Joshua thanks for the request we have been thinking about this for a while. I'm trying to understand the reason for why you wish to take care of a certain month's bill is it that 1) You just want to get the money out of your bank account (budgeting purposes) 2) You just want your biller to be paid.
I mention this because if your answer if 1), you can deposit funds into your YSplit pot to get rid of your bills money as soon as it enters your bank account. We will use this to pay the bill when it is due. If your answer is 2) We have not yet built this so would love to know the difference.
Jonathan Beer
Landon Vago-Hughes: for me it would very much be 2. One of my billers offers a pre pay discount for example so it would be cool to be able to do this through YSplit
Jack Wall
Jonathan Beer: That would be super cool! Luck lucky. Haha
Jack Wall
Landon Vago-Hughes: Maybe an option that lets you hit "fund POT for _________ bill now" and then have it initiate the transfer to the pot then. That way ysplit doesnt have to pre pay, but the budgeters can use that. The pre pay for a pre-payment discount wouldnt apply to this.